This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.13.0!

Java HttpClient instrumentation

Since Java 11, an HttpClient is provided as part of the JDK. See this introduction to it. Micrometer provides instrumentation of this via a micrometer-java11 module. This module requires Java 11 or later.

For Gradle, add the following implementation:

implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-java11'

For Maven, add the following dependency:


Create an HttpClient as you normally would. For example:

HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().connectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)).build();

You can instrument this HttpClient as follows with an ObservationRegistry:

HttpClient observedClient = MicrometerHttpClient.instrumentationBuilder(httpClient, meterRegistry)

Alternatively, if you are not using an ObservationRegistry, you can instrument with only a MeterRegistry as follows:

HttpClient observedClient = MicrometerHttpClient.instrumentationBuilder(httpClient, meterRegistry).build();