This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.4!

HttpSender with Resilience4j Retry

HttpSender is an interface for HTTP clients that are used in meter registries for HTTP-based metrics publication. There are two implementations:

  • HttpUrlConnectionSender: HttpURLConnection-based HttpSender

  • OkHttpSender: OkHttp-based HttpSender

Micrometer does not include support for retry, but you can decorate it with Resilience4j retry, as follows:

	public DatadogMeterRegistry datadogMeterRegistry(DatadogConfig datadogConfig, Clock clock) {
		return DatadogMeterRegistry.builder(datadogConfig)
				.httpClient(new RetryHttpClient())

	private static class RetryHttpClient extends HttpUrlConnectionSender {

		private final RetryConfig retryConfig = RetryConfig.custom()

		private final Retry retry = Retry.of("datadog-metrics", this.retryConfig);

		public Response send(Request request) {
			CheckedFunction0<Response> retryableSupplier = Retry.decorateCheckedSupplier(
					() -> super.send(request));
			return Try.of(retryableSupplier).get();
