This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.5!

Passing through to Dropwizard’s Console Reporter

This guide shows how to plug in less commonly used Dropwizard Reporter implementations — in this case, the ConsoleReporter.

	public MetricRegistry dropwizardRegistry() {
		return new MetricRegistry();

	public ConsoleReporter consoleReporter(MetricRegistry dropwizardRegistry) {
		ConsoleReporter reporter = ConsoleReporter.forRegistry(dropwizardRegistry)
		reporter.start(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
		return reporter;

	public MeterRegistry consoleLoggingRegistry(MetricRegistry dropwizardRegistry) {
		DropwizardConfig consoleConfig = new DropwizardConfig() {

			public String prefix() {
				return "console";

			public String get(String key) {
				return null;


		return new DropwizardMeterRegistry(consoleConfig, dropwizardRegistry, HierarchicalNameMapper.DEFAULT, Clock.SYSTEM) {
			protected Double nullGaugeValue() {
				return null;

Note that, in a Spring environment, this registry is added to other implementations in a composite and is used for all metrics, both custom and auto-configured.

class MyComponent {
    private final MeterRegistry registry;

    public MyComponent(MeterRegistry registry) {
        this.registry = registry;

    public void doSomeWork(String lowCardinalityInput) {
        registry.timer("my.latency", "input", lowCardinalityInput).record(() -> {
            // do work

The following listing shows typical output for this custom timer:

3/2/18 10:14:27 AM =============================================================

-- Timers ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             count = 1
         mean rate = 1.02 calls/second
     1-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second
     5-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second
    15-minute rate = 0.00 calls/second
               min = 100.00 milliseconds
               max = 100.00 milliseconds
              mean = 100.00 milliseconds
            stddev = 0.00 milliseconds
            median = 100.00 milliseconds
              75% <= 100.00 milliseconds
              95% <= 100.00 milliseconds
              98% <= 100.00 milliseconds
              99% <= 100.00 milliseconds
            99.9% <= 100.00 milliseconds