For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.4! |
Micrometer Influx
The InfluxData suite of tools supports real-time stream processing and storage of time-series data. It supports downsampling, automatically expiring and deleting unwanted data, as well as backup and restore.
The InfluxMeterRegistry supports the 1.x InfluxDB API as well as the v2 API.
1. Configuring
Micrometer supports shipping metrics to InfluxDB directly or through Telegraf through the StatsD registry.
1.1. Direct to InfluxDB
The following example adds the required library in Gradle:
implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-influx:latest.release'
The following example adds the required library in Maven:
Metrics are rate-aggregated and pushed to InfluxDB on a periodic interval. Rate aggregation performed by the registry yields datasets that are quite similar to those produced by Telegraf. The following example configures a meter registry for InfluxDB:
InfluxConfig config = new InfluxConfig() {
public Duration step() {
return Duration.ofSeconds(10);
public String db() {
return "mydb";
public String get(String k) {
return null; // accept the rest of the defaults
MeterRegistry registry = new InfluxMeterRegistry(config, Clock.SYSTEM);
To ship metrics to InfluxDB 2.x, make sure to configure the org
and bucket
to which to write the metrics, as well as the authentication token
InfluxConfig config = new InfluxConfig() {
public String org() {
return "myorg";
public String bucket() {
return "app-metrics";
public String token() {
return "auth_token_here"; // FIXME: This should be securely bound rather than hard-coded, of course.
public String get(String k) {
return null; // accept the rest of the defaults
MeterRegistry registry = new InfluxMeterRegistry(config, Clock.SYSTEM);
is an interface with a set of default methods. If, in the implementation of get(String k)
, rather than returning null
, you instead bind it to a property source, you can override the default configuration. For example, Micrometer’s Spring Boot support binds properties that are prefixed with management.metrics.export.influx
directly to the InfluxConfig
api-version: v2 # API version of InfluxDB to use. Defaults to 'v1' unless an org is configured. If an org is configured, defaults to 'v2'.
auto-create-db: true # Whether to create the InfluxDB database if it does not exist before attempting to publish metrics to it. InfluxDB v1 only. (Default: true)
batch-size: 10000 # Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. (Default: 10000)
bucket: mybucket # Bucket for metrics. Use either the bucket name or ID. Defaults to the value of the db property if not set. InfluxDB v2 only.
compressed: true # Whether to enable GZIP compression of metrics batches published to InfluxDB. (Default: true)
connect-timeout: 1s # Connection timeout for requests to this backend. (Default: 1s)
consistency: one # Write consistency for each point. (Default: one)
db: mydb # Database to send metrics to. InfluxDB v1 only. (Default: mydb)
enabled: true # Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. (Default: true)
num-threads: 2 # Number of threads to use with the metrics publishing scheduler. (Default: 2)
org: myorg # Org to write metrics to. InfluxDB v2 only.
password: mysecret # Login password of the InfluxDB server. InfluxDB v1 only.
read-timeout: 10s # Read timeout for requests to this backend. (Default: 10s)
retention-policy: my_rp # Retention policy to use (InfluxDB writes to the DEFAULT retention policy if one is not specified). InfluxDB v1 only.
step: 1m # Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. (Default: 1m)
token: AUTH_TOKEN_HERE # Authentication token to use with calls to the InfluxDB backend. For InfluxDB v1, the Bearer scheme is used. For v2, the Token scheme is used.
uri: http://localhost:8086 # URI of the InfluxDB server. (Default: http://localhost:8086)
user-name: myusername # Login user of the InfluxDB server. InfluxDB v1 only.
1.2. Through Telegraf
Telegraf is a StatsD agent that expects a modified flavor of the StatsD line protocol.
The following listing adds the relevant library in Gradle:
implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-statsd:latest.release'
The following listing adds the relevant library in Maven:
Metrics are shipped immediately over UDP to Telegraf by using Telegraf’s flavor of the StatsD line protocol:
StatsdConfig config = new StatsdConfig() {
public String get(String k) {
return null;
public StatsdFlavor flavor() {
return StatsdFlavor.Telegraf;
MeterRegistry registry = new StatsdMeterRegistry(config, Clock.SYSTEM);