For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.4!


A gauge is a handle to get the current value. Typical examples for gauges would be the size of a collection or map or the number of threads in a running state.

Gauges are useful for monitoring things with natural upper bounds. We do not recommend using a gauge to monitor things like request count, as they can grow without bound for the duration of an application instance’s life.
Never gauge something you can count with a Counter!

Micrometer takes the stance that gauges should be sampled and not be set, so there is no information about what might have occurred between samples. Any intermediate values set on a gauge are lost by the time the gauge value is reported to a metrics backend, so there is little value in setting those intermediate values in the first place.

Think of a Gauge as a “heisen-gauge”: a meter that changes only when it is observed. Every other meter type accumulates intermediate counts toward the point where the data is sent to the metrics backend.

The MeterRegistry interface contains methods for building gauges to observe numeric values, functions, collections, and maps:

List<String> list = registry.gauge("listGauge", Collections.emptyList(), new ArrayList<>(), List::size); (1)
List<String> list2 = registry.gaugeCollectionSize("listSize2", Tags.empty(), new ArrayList<>()); (2)
Map<String, Integer> map = registry.gaugeMapSize("mapGauge", Tags.empty(), new HashMap<>());
1 A slightly more common form of gauge is one that monitors some non-numeric object. The last argument establishes the function that is used to determine the value of the gauge when the gauge is observed.
2 A more convenient form of (1) for when you want to monitor collection size.

All of the different forms of creating a gauge maintain only a weak reference to the object being observed, so as not to prevent garbage collection of the object.

Manually Incrementing or Decrementing a Gauge

A gauge can be made to track any java.lang.Number subtype that is settable, such as AtomicInteger and AtomicLong found in java.util.concurrent.atomic and similar types, such as Guava’s AtomicDouble:

// maintain a reference to myGauge
AtomicInteger myGauge = registry.gauge("numberGauge", new AtomicInteger(0));

// ... elsewhere you can update the value it holds using the object reference

Note that, in this form, unlike other meter types, you do not get a reference to the Gauge when creating one. Rather, you get a reference to the thing being observed. This is because of the “heisen-gauge” principal: The gauge is self-sufficient once created, so you should never need to interact with it. This lets us give you back only the instrumented object, which allows for quick one-liners that both create the object to be observed and set up metrics around it.

This pattern should be less common than the DoubleFunction form. Remember that frequent setting of the observed Number results in a lot of intermediate values that never get published. Only the instantaneous value of the gauge at publish time is ever sent to the monitoring system.

Attempting to construct a gauge with a primitive number or one of its java.lang object forms is always incorrect. These numbers are immutable. Thus, the gauge cannot ever be changed. Attempting to "re-register" the gauge with a different number does not work, as the registry maintains only one meter for each unique combination of name and tags. "Re-registering" a gauge can happen indirectly for example as the result of a MeterFilter modifying the name and/or the tags of two different gauges so that they will be the same after the filter is applied.

Gauge Fluent Builder

The interface contains a fluent builder for gauges:

Gauge gauge = Gauge
    .builder("gauge", myObj, myObj::gaugeValue)
    .description("a description of what this gauge does") // optional
    .tags("region", "test") // optional

Generally the returned Gauge instance is not useful except in testing, as the gauge is already set up to track a value automatically upon registration.

Why is My Gauge Reporting NaN or Disappearing?

It is your responsibility to hold a strong reference to the state object that you are measuring with a Gauge. Micrometer is careful to not create strong references to objects that would otherwise be garbage collected. Once the object being gauged is de-referenced and is garbage collected, Micrometer starts reporting a NaN or nothing for a gauge, depending on the registry implementation.

If you see your gauge reporting for a few minutes and then disappearing or reporting NaN, it almost certainly suggests that the underlying object being gauged has been garbage collected.


TimeGauge is a specialized gauge that tracks a time value, to be scaled to the base unit of time expected by each registry implementation.

TimeGauge can be registered with TimeUnit as follows:

AtomicInteger msTimeGauge = new AtomicInteger(4000);
AtomicInteger usTimeGauge = new AtomicInteger(4000);
TimeGauge.builder("my.gauge", msTimeGauge, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AtomicInteger::get).register(registry);
TimeGauge.builder("my.other.gauge", usTimeGauge, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, AtomicInteger::get).register(registry);

And for example, if the registry is Prometheus, they will be converted in seconds as follows:

# HELP my_gauge_seconds
# TYPE my_gauge_seconds gauge
my_gauge_seconds 4.0
# HELP my_other_gauge_seconds
# TYPE my_other_gauge_seconds gauge
my_other_gauge_seconds 0.004


Micrometer supports one last special type of Gauge, called a MultiGauge, to help manage gauging a growing or shrinking list of criteria. This feature lets you select a set of well-bounded but slightly changing set of criteria from something like an SQL query and report each Row (see the example below) as a Gauge. The following example creates a MultiGauge:

// SELECT count(*) from job group by status WHERE job = 'dirty'
MultiGauge statuses = MultiGauge.builder("statuses")
    .tag("job", "dirty")
    .description("The number of widgets in various statuses")


// run this whenever you re-run your query
        .map(result -> Row.of(Tags.of("status", result.getAsString("status")), result.getAsInt("count")))
    true // whether to overwrite the previous value or only record it once