For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.4!

Micrometer Humio

Humio is a dimensional time-series SaaS with built-in dashboarding.

1. Installing

For Gradle, add the following implementation:

implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-humio:latest.release'

For Maven, add the following dependency:


2. Configuring

The following example configures a Humio instance:

HumioConfig humioConfig = new HumioConfig() {
    public String apiToken() {
        return MY_TOKEN;

    public String get(String k) {
        return null;
MeterRegistry registry = new HumioMeterRegistry(humioConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);

HumioConfig is an interface with a set of default methods. If, in the implementation of get(String k), rather than returning null, you instead bind it to a property source, you can override the default configuration. For example, Micrometer’s Spring Boot support binds properties that are prefixed with management.metrics.export.humio directly to the HumioConfig:

    api-token: YOURKEY

    # You will probably want disable Humio publishing in a local development profile.
    enabled: true

    # The interval at which metrics are sent to Humio. The default is 1 minute.
    step: 1m

    # The cluster Micrometer will send metrics to. The default is ""
    uri: https://myhumiohost

3. Graphing

This section serves as a quick start to rendering useful representations in Humio for metrics originating in Micrometer.

3.1. Timers

The Humio implementation of Timer produces four fields in Humio:

  • count: Rate of total time/second.

  • sum: Rate of calls/second.

  • max: A sliding window that shows the maximum amount recorded.

  • avg: A non-aggregable average for only this set of tag values.

The following query constructs a dimensionally aggregable average latency per URI:

name = http_server_requests
| timechart(uri, function=max(avg))
Humio-rendered timer
Figure 1. Timer over a simulated service.