For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.4!

Usage Examples

Below you will find a list of examples of using the Context Propagation library.

ThreadLocal Population

Below you can find a holder for ThreadLocal values.

 * Example of a wrapper around ThreadLocal values.
public class ObservationThreadLocalHolder {

    private static final ThreadLocal<String> holder = new ThreadLocal<>();

    public static void setValue(String value) {

    public static String getValue() {
        return holder.get();

    public static void reset() {


Below you can find a ThreadLocalAccessor that interacts with the holder.

 * Example {@link ThreadLocalAccessor} implementation.
public class ObservationThreadLocalAccessor implements ThreadLocalAccessor<String> {

    public static final String KEY = "micrometer.observation";

    public Object key() {
        return KEY;

    public String getValue() {
        return ObservationThreadLocalHolder.getValue();

    public void setValue(String value) {

    public void setValue() {


Below you can find an example of how to store and restore thread local values via ThreadLocalAccessor, ContextSnapshot and ContextRegistry.

// Create a new Context Registry (you can use a global too)
ContextRegistry registry = new ContextRegistry();
// Register thread local accessors (you can use SPI too)
registry.registerThreadLocalAccessor(new ObservationThreadLocalAccessor());

// When you set a thread local value...
// ... we can capture it using ContextSnapshot
ContextSnapshot snapshot = ContextSnapshotFactory.builder().contextRegistry(registry).build().captureAll();

// After capturing if you change the thread local value again ContextSnapshot will
// not see it
try {
    // We're populating the thread local values with what we had in
    // ContextSnapshot
    try (Scope scope = snapshot.setThreadLocals()) {
        // Within this scope you will see the stored thread local values
    // After the scope is closed we will come back to the previously present
    // values in thread local
finally {
    // We're clearing the thread local values so that we don't pollute the thread