This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer 1.14.5! |
Existing Instrumentations
Micrometer Observation is used to instrument various projects. Below you can find a table of projects that are using Micrometer Observation to "instrument once and have multiple benefits out of it".
Project Name | Link |
Apache Camel |
Apache CXF |
Apache Dubbo |
Apache HttpComponents |
Apache Skywalking |
Apereo Cas |
Appsmith |
Armeria |
Couchbase |
gRPC |
Halo |
JDK Http Client |
Jersey |
Jetty |
Kotlin Coroutines |
Lettuce |
Micronaut |
OkHttp |
OpenFeign |
RabbitMQ |
RabbitMQ Stream |
Reactor |
Reactor Netty |
Redisson |
Resilience4j |
Retrofit |
RSocket |
Spring Amqp |
Spring Batch |
Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker |
Spring Cloud Config |
Spring Cloud Function |
Spring Cloud Gateway |
Spring Cloud OpenFeign |
Spring Cloud Task |
Spring Cloud Vault |
Spring Data Cassandra |
Spring Data MongoDB |
Spring Data Redis |
Spring GraphQL |
Spring Integration |
Spring Kafka |
Spring Modulith |
Spring MVC |
Spring Pulsar |
Spring Security |
Spring WebFlux |
If your project is instrumented with Micrometer Observation and is not listed in the table, please file a PR to our documentation! If you want to instrument your project and need our help, mention us in your issue - @shakuzen, @jonatan-ivanov, and @marcingrzejszczak.