This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Micrometer Tracing 1.4.3!


Micrometer Tracing includes the micrometer-tracing-test and micrometer-tracing-integration-test modules.

For unit tests, it provides a SimpleTracer that is a test implementation of a Tracer.

For integration tests, it provides a SampleTestRunner mechanism that you can hook into your samples. It:

  • Configures an OpenZipkin Brave Tracer

    • Sets it up with Tanzu Observability by Wavefront Reporter

    • Sets it up with OpenZipkin Zipkin Reporter

  • Configures an OpenTelemetry Tracer

    • Sets it up with Tanzu Observability by Wavefront Exporter

    • Sets it up with OpenZipkin Zipkin Exporter

  • Runs all the combinations above against the user code and running infrastructure


The following example shows the required dependency in Gradle (assuming that Micrometer Tracing BOM has been added):

testImplementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-tracing-test' // for unit tests
testImplementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-tracing-integration-test' // for integration tests

The following example shows the required dependency in Maven (assuming that Micrometer Tracing BOM has been added):

    <artifactId>micrometer-tracing-test</artifactId> <!-- For unit tests -->
    <artifactId>micrometer-tracing-integration-test</artifactId> <!-- For integration tests -->

Running Tracing Unit Tests

To run unit tests of your custom handler, you may want to use the SimpleTracer test Tracer implementation. Let’s assume the following custom TracingObservationHandler:

static class MyTracingObservationHandler implements TracingObservationHandler<CustomContext> {

    private final Tracer tracer;

    MyTracingObservationHandler(Tracer tracer) {
        this.tracer = tracer;

    public void onStart(CustomContext context) {
        String databaseName = context.getDatabaseName();
        Span.Builder builder = this.tracer.spanBuilder().kind(Span.Kind.CLIENT).remoteServiceName(databaseName);

    public void onError(CustomContext context) {

    public void onStop(CustomContext context) {
        Span span = getRequiredSpan(context); != null ? context.getContextualName() : context.getName());
        tagSpan(context, span);

    public boolean supportsContext(Observation.Context context) {
        return context instanceof CustomContext;

    public Tracer getTracer() {
        return this.tracer;


To verify whether the spans got properly created we can use the SimpleTracer, as follows:

class SomeComponentThatIsUsingMyTracingObservationHandlerTests {

    ObservationRegistry registry = ObservationRegistry.create();

    SomeComponent someComponent = new SomeComponent(registry);

    SimpleTracer simpleTracer = new SimpleTracer();

    MyTracingObservationHandler handler = new MyTracingObservationHandler(simpleTracer);

    void setup() {

    void should_store_a_span() {
        // this code will call actual Observation API

                .hasNameEqualTo("insert user")
                .hasTag("mongodb.command", "insert")
                .hasTag("mongodb.collection", "user")


Running integration tests

The following example shows how you can run your code to test your integrations:

  • By asserting spans that were stored without emitting them to a reporting system

  • Against running Tanzu Observability by Wavefront instance (this option turns on when you have passed the Wavefront related configuration in the constructor - otherwise the test will be disabled)

  • Against running Zipkin instance (this option turns on when Zipkin is running - otherwise the test will be disabled)

class ObservabilitySmokeTest extends SampleTestRunner {

    ObservabilitySmokeTest() {
                .zipkinUrl("...") // defaults to localhost:9411

    public BiConsumer<BuildingBlocks, Deque<ObservationHandler<? extends Observation.Context>>> customizeObservationHandlers() {
        return (bb, handlers) -> {
            ObservationHandler defaultHandler = handlers.removeLast();
            handlers.addLast(new MyTracingObservationHandler(bb.getTracer()));

    public SampleTestRunnerConsumer yourCode() {
        return (bb, meterRegistry) -> {
            // here you would be running your code

                    .hasNumberOfSpansWithNameEqualTo("handle", 4)
                    .forAllSpansWithNameEqualTo("handle", span -> span.hasTagWithKey("rsocket.request-type"))
                    .hasTag("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_STREAM")
                    .hasTag("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_CHANNEL")
                    .hasTag("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_FNF")
                    .hasTag("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_RESPONSE");

                    .hasTimerWithNameAndTags("rsocket.response", Tags.of(Tag.of("error", "none"), Tag.of("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_RESPONSE")))
                    .hasTimerWithNameAndTags("rsocket.fnf", Tags.of(Tag.of("error", "none"), Tag.of("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_FNF")))
                    .hasTimerWithNameAndTags("rsocket.request", Tags.of(Tag.of("error", "none"), Tag.of("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_RESPONSE")))
                    .hasTimerWithNameAndTags("", Tags.of(Tag.of("error", "none"), Tag.of("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_CHANNEL")))
                    .hasTimerWithNameAndTags("", Tags.of(Tag.of("error", "none"), Tag.of("rsocket.request-type", "REQUEST_STREAM")));
